Follow this link to my article featured in the March 2014 New York State Dental Journal. The article, located on page 16, is entitled "Practice Ownership in the Age of Big Dental, Big Debt, and Mid-Level Providers." The article discusses how the perceived evils of the expansion of corporate dentistry, student debt, and the legalization and proliferation of mid-level providers (such as "dental therapists"), may actually increase the number of owner-worked practices, despite fears of those in the dental establishment that these industry developments will conspire against practice owners.
As I mention in the article, ultimately it is the laws that govern mid-level providers and corporate dentistry which will frame exactly how these developments impact the industry. It could be, however, that laws aimed at governing them, will have unintended consequences. It's not that I believe with all my heart that the owner-worked practice model will be unaffected by the growth of corporate dentistry and the spread of mid-level providers, but I endeavored, in writing this article, to provide an alternate vision to the "doom and gloom" some in the industry feel as it relates to the changing circumstances of the industry.